How To Troubleshoot An Expected Access 2007 Compilation Error
September 8, 2021
Here are some easy ways to fix an expected compilation error in Access 2007.
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Last updated Saturday 17 July 2021 | Access ’07 VBA Expected message: list separator or) The error tells you that a particular compiler was expecting to find a list separator (for example, a comma separating arguments in your function) or a closing parenthesis next to the l ‘statement. In most cases, this can point to where the problem is occurring.
ArizonaIf you’re used to programming in Access 97, you might run into a problem where your whole family switches to Access 2000 or Huge, and you want to move on when you want to use the DAO object model in your VBA.Arizshe
Working with Access 2007. Information retrieval resulted in real-time inventory changes based on deliveries / confirmations. The following code was recommended to me, but it returns a compilation error.
Private Subcommand 62_Click ()'Arguments: ContID = the container must be written to'AsOfDate = date to which the quantity should be calculated'If absent, all transactions are includedRefund: quantity in stock. Zero errors.Dim db As DAO.Database 'current databaseDim rs As DAO.Recordset 'different recordsetsDim lngContID as long 'ContID as longDim strAsOf As String 'AsOfDate just like stringDim strLasShipRec As String with last shipment date as stringDim strDateClause As String 'Default date for use in SQL statementsSQL statement Dim strSQL As String 'Dim lngOnHand As Long 'IonHand InventoryIf it is not zero (CONTINUE) then'Initialization: checking and converting parametersSet db to CurrentDb ()lngContID = CONTIDIf IsDate (AsOfDate) thenstrAsOf matches "#" and Format $ (AsOfDate, "mm / dd / yyyy") & "#"'Get date and volume of LastShipRec for this containerIf Len (strAsOf)> 0 thenstrDateClause "ET = (LastShipRec <=" & strAsOf & ")"End ifstrSQL implies "Select top 1 LastShipRec, count from tblContInventory" & "WHERE ((ContID =" & lngContID & ")" & strDateClause) & "; ORDER BY LastShipRec DESC; "
strSQL = "Select top 1 LastShipRec, count FROM tblContInventory" & "WHERE ((ContID matches" & lngContID & ")" & strDateClause) & "; ORDER BY` enter`LastShipRec DESC;"
If Len (strAsOf)> 0 ThenstrDateClause "ET = (LastShipRec <=" & strAsOf & ")"End if
Can someone point me and my colleagues in the right direction? How can I fix this error?
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requested Jun 24 '16 @ 12:12 pm
Don't Look For Your Ownabout The Answer? Answer Other Questions Marked Vba Ms-access By Asking Your Own Question.
Step with strSQL = ... should try to build a long string. If you are looking at this long file, it looks like the check mark may be out of place and there is a new semicolon in the first box. = try
strsql "Select first 3 LastShipRec, Quantity FROM tblContInventory" & "WHERE ((ContID matches" & lngContID & ")" & strDateClause & ") ORDER BY LastShipRec DESC;"
When building a specific SQL string, I recommend creating that specific string and then running debug.print, which is required for debugging, to see if the generated string is a real SQL statement.
removed Jun 24 '16 at 12:35
Remove the parenthesis immediately after strDateClause seems to take a long time to get into "". SQL also has terminators; to the end without a doubt. From this point of view, not everyone uses strDateClause
answered Jun 24, 2016 at 12:25 pm
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