How Do I Handle The Directshow Render File Error?

October 25, 2021 By Gary Lamb Off


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    In this guide, we are going to find out some of the possible causes that can lead to Directshow render file error, and then provide possible recovery methods that you can try to fix the problem. g.Renderfile filter not talking to me This must be a common error that occurs when DirectShow cannot provide another format that AviSynth can read. Try creating a filter graph for matching and see if you are comfortable creating a filter graph that will produce every output that AviSynth opens.




    • 2 minutes to read.

    Microsoft® This DirectShow® Editing Services (DES) process defines various error codes that use ya for logging errors when rendering objects. When the project does not work correctly, the renderer is called by the IAMErrorLog :: LogError method. The following platform summarizes the parameters passed to LogError:

    • The error code is contained in the ErrorCode parameter.
    • See ErrorString for a description.
    • Description is in a safe place in the ErrorString parameter.
    • If there is indeed additional information, the VARIANT type is likely to be in the vt element, referencing the VARIANT referenced by pExtraInfo.


    Error code Description Optional type
    DEX_IDS_BAD_SOURCE_NAME File Information There are discounts for name variations or DirectShow does not recognize some file extensions. filename BSTR
    DEX_IDS_BAD_SOURCE_NAME2 The file type does not compete with the file extension or with which the file is damaged. Name BSTR
    DEX_IDS_MISSING_SOURCE_NAME file The file name was required but not specified. No Not applicable
    DEX_IDS_UNKNOWN_SOURCE Typical data provided by the source, Cannot be analyzed. No Not applicable
    DEX_IDS_INSTALL_PROBLEM Unexpected error. Some DirectShow components are not installed correctly. Applicable
    DEX_IDS_NO_SOURCE_NAMES source no do not filter does not accept filenames. No Not applicable
    DEX_IDS_BAD_MEDIATYPE Group sort support is not supported. Number integer
    DEX_IDS_STREAM_NUMBER Invalid The multicast stream number for this source. Stream number integer
    DEX_IDS_OUTOFMEMORY The memory is empty. No Not applicable
    DEX_IDS_DIBSEQ_NOTALLSAME One bitmap in the set was not of the same type as the other. Bitmap name BSTR
    DEX_IDS_CLIPTOOSHORT Probably wrong media clip timing or too short device-independent bitmap (dib) sequence.

    [! Note]
    If other errors occur, this error may occur even though the media time is almost always valid.

    No Not applicableo
    DEX_IDS_INVALID_DXT The class identifier (CLSID) of some effects or transitions is not real. CLSID BSTR
    DEX_IDS_INVALID_DEFAULT_DXT CLSID of the standard effect, however, is not valid for the transition. CLSID BSTR
    DEX_IDS_NO_3D Your Directx version does not support 3D transitions. CLSID BSTR
    DEX_IDS_BROKEN_DXT This type of response is not correct stress or irregularity. CLSID BSTR
    DEX_IDS_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY This property is definitely not available for the object. property value name BSTR
    DEX_IDS_ILLEGAL_PROPERTY_VAL It is illegal for this property. Specified OPTION
    DEX_IDS_INVALID_XML Syntax Value error in XML file. Line number VT_I4 (4-byte integer)
    DEX_IDS_CANT_FIND_FILTER The filtering system specified in the XML for the group instance could not be found. Name handy (example) BSTR
    DEX_IDS_DISK_WRITE_ERROR Error writing XML content to disk. No Not applicable
    DEX_IDS_INVALID_AUDIO_FX CLSID is not the best filtersound effects DirectShow. CLSID BSTR
    DEX_IDS_CANT_FIND_COMPRESSOR Compressor cannot find to create the specified storage format. No Not applicable

    The following errors should not occur. If you find any errors, please submit them to Microsoft.

    Error code Description
    DEX_IDS_TIMELINE_PARSE Unexpected errors while parsing timeline.
    DEX_IDS_GRAPH_ERROR An unexpected construction error, usually a filter graph. Error
    dex_ids_grid_error unexpectedly with an inner grid.
    DEX_IDS_INTERFACE_ERROR An unexpected error occurred while getting the interface.

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  • [stopped. This API may be removed in later versions of Windows.]

    The error codes documented here are not result values. For a list of DES-related HRESULT returns, see Always Success Codes .

    On Windows 7, I load the entire contents of a * .mp3 file into memory and then play it back with IGraphBuilder. It works well when uI am not running certain applications. However, when I have Open bsplayer with a * .avi file, or the game you just opened, IGraphBuilder no longer reclaims all * .mp3 memory. However, this does not happen when Winamp is running.

    directshow renderfile error

    I don’t understand why, I am assuming that all the input interceptors for DirectShow are already in use? But when I run GraphEdt or like-minded apps, they all work (playing * .avi or *. Mp3 files in parallel), so there must be some things in my strategy that I’m doing wrong. Could you please help to use it?

    I have two classes, CMemStream and CMemReader, based on Windows ms 7.1 SDK examples.

    directshow renderfile error

      CMemReader Class: Public CAsyncReader 

    CMemReader doesn’t necessarily do much, it just initializes the CAsyncReader platform class.

      CMemStream Class: Public CAsyncStream 
      IGraphBuilder * m_pGraphBuilder;CMemStream * m_pMemReader;BYTE * m_pmemstream;cmemreader * m_pMemData = new BYTE [lSize];// ... no doubt fill m_pMemData with the contents of the * .mp3 file// lSize is undoubtedly the size of the file being usedm_pMemStream = new CMemStream (m_pMemData, lSize);CMediaType mediaType;mediaType.majortype sooWelcomes MEDIATYPE_Stream;mediaType.subtype = HResult;M_pMemReader mediasubtype_mpeg1audio;hresult = current CMemReader (m_pMemStream, & mediaType, & hResult);CoCreateInstance (CLSID_FilterGraph, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IGraphBuilder, (void **) & m_pGraphBuilder);m_pGraphBuilder-> AddFilter (m_pMemReader, NULL);m_pMemReader-> AddRef ();m_pGraphBuilder-> Rendering (m_pMemReader-> GetPin (0)); // NOT HERE!// The error will be 0x80040218 (VFW_E_CANNOT_RENDER): filter combination may not be found for simple rendering of the stream. 
      IBaseFilter * pFilter;CoCreateInstance (CLSID_DSoundRender, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void **) & pFilter);m_pGraphBuilder-> AddFilter (pFilter, NULL);IEnumPins * pEnumPins;IPin * pPin;pFilter-> EnumPins (& pEnumPins);pEnumPins-> Next (1, & pPin, 0);m_pGraphBuilder-> Connect (m_pMemReader-> GetPin (0), pPin); // IT'S ALSO MISSING!// Error 0x80040217 (VFW_E_CANNOT_CONNECT): Could not find a combination of intermediate filters to establish a connection. 

    I’ve tried too different combinations for type and subtype CMediaType, but doubt it will work.

    If you have an idea, suggestion, or find a serious problem, let me know. Thanks !



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