Best Way To Fix Windows Installer Service Activation
August 24, 2021
If the Windows Installer service is enabled on your system, this blog post might help you fix the problem.
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Click the Start button and type CMD in the Search programs and files discussion field.Right-click cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator.Type net start MSServer and press Enter.Restart the installation process through the desired program with install.
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Obinna Onwusobalu studied information andcommunication technology and became a strong supporter of the Windows ecosystem. He manages software for medical institutions. It says that it is best to create a system restore point before making any changes to your primary computer.
The Windows Installer Service (msiserver) manages the installation of your Windows operating system. You are worried if there are errors in the service. When disabled, dependent services do not start correctly through Windows Installer. In this article, we’ll walk you through three ways to enable or disable the Windows Installer service on Windows 10.
Basically a service that can store application configuration as well as service information is running. It also allows you to program the location of folder groups, registry entries and shortcuts already installed on your system. Plus, msiserver can add, swap and remove apps, features, and more. Or
Activate Windows Installer Service Deactivate
- Via Service Console
- Via Command Line
- Via Registry Editor
1] Enable or disable the Windows Installer service through the services console
- Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
- In the Run dialog box, type
and press Enter to open Services. - Go and look in the Windows Installer Service window.
- Double-click an entry to open the Home window.
- In the Properties window, click the General tab from the Startup Type drop-down menu and select Automatic.
- Then go to the Services section. …
- To disable this service, click the Stop button.
- Directly click Apply> OK to save your changes.
2] If necessary, enable the Windows Installer service via the command line Disable
- Call a special launch dialog box.
- In the Run Dialog section, enter
and then press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to open the Open command line in Strategy Manager / elevated. - In the Command Prompt window, type my command below and press Enter to activate the slWindows Installer, run
pure MSServer
Note. You cannot start a business if the startup type is disabled.
To change the startup type for most services, you can run one of the following commands:
- To disable the service, expand the command below and press Enter.
pure MSServer
3] stop Activate or deactivate the Windows Installer service via Registry Editor
Since this is a registration process, it may be advisable to back up the current registry or, as a necessary precaution, create a system restore point. When done, you can do the following:
- Call the progress dialog.
- In the Run dialog box, type
and press Enter to open the Registry Editor. - Go to the following PC key path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services MSIServer
- After the right window, double-click the Start entry to change its properties.
- Usually, I set the value statistics in the properties dialogt for each individual request as follows:
- Automatic: 2
- Manual: 3
- Disabled: 4
- Automatic (delayed start): 2
- Click OK to save your changes.
- 5 rounds of reading
- Applies to:
- Office 2007, Office 2003
When you check if you want to install Microsoft Office, you receive an error message like this:
This issue can occur if the Windows Installer version is corrupted or missing.
Method 1: Use The Msconfig Tool To Confirm That The Installer Is Starting The Service
Click Start and then Run. (The section capture for this step is shown below.) Alt = “Click
Enter the Open field and msconfig, then just OK. (Screenshot of next step is shown below).
On the Services tab, select the Install check box next to Windows Installer completed successfully. (The screenshot provided for this step is shown below).
Click OK, then click Restart to restart your computer. (The screen created for this step is shown below).
Reinstall Office. If you are prompted for a product key, change the product and key, then just continue.
Office will be installed and you will not be prompted for a product key when starting plans.
Method 2: Re-register Windows Installer
Note. Since there are several versions of Microsoft Windows currently, you can do the following on your computer. If so, see the Complete Tools.See product documentation.
Note. If you are unable to complete the following steps, go to Procedure 3.
Click Start, thenSearch. (The TV screen shot for this step is shown below.)
Click All Files and Folders. (The images for this step are listed below).
In the File Name box, enter Msiexec.exe and clickResearch. (A screen shot of this step is shown below).
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Click Start, but click Run. (A screen shot of this step is shown below).In the Usually open box, type msconfig, and then click OK.On the Services tab, check the boxes next to Windows Installer.Click OK, then click Restart to restart your computer.Reinstall Office.
For Windows Installer to run in Safe Mode, you need to create a registry entry to get all kinds of Safe Modes you entered.At the command prompt, enter: REG ADD “HKLM SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control SafeBoot Minimal MSIServer” / VE / T REG_SZ / F / D “Service” then.
Windows Installer Service Overview Windows Installer is an excellent operating system service developed by Microsoft to improve program growth and uninstallation, ease application deployment across corporate networks, and resolve common issues such as shared DLL conflicts.
Aktivieren Des Windows Installer Dienstes
Activation Du Service D Installation De Windows
Aktivera Windows Installer Tjanst
Wlaczenie Uslugi Instalatora Systemu Windows
Habilitar El Servicio De Instalador De Windows
Abilitazione Del Servizio Di Installazione Di Windows