How To Fix Error Setting String Value When Launching Startrak Address Manager

November 3, 2021 By Brock Radcliffe-Brown Off


You should read these repair tips if you get an error setting string value when running Startrak Address Manager error code on your computer.

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    SetFile (stream)

    SetFile (byte Array)


    Return Value


    Return Value


    Return Value

    Keep Asynchronous

    Return Value

    Remove Asynchronous

    Return Value

    New Variant

    Return Value


    Return Value



    Return Value


    Gets a niche from a fieldName record and returns a dynamic object instance.


      public frenzy Get (stringfieldName) 

    Type: string
    The name of the desired field.

    Returns null if the field is undefined or if the sales price field is zero. Get


      // header is rendered dynamic.dynamic title = entry.Get ("Title");  

    Gets a specific field of an object by connecting to fieldName and returns a typed entity instance.


    error setting string value when starting startrak address manager

      public T Get  (string fieldName) 

    The type to check is givenbroadcast fields. It is either a DataType , a supported DataFormat type, or possibly a user-defined type.

    Type: string
    Required field name

    If the API cannot successfully move or transform the field value, it will return the default value for the specified type. If the field is still requested for values ​​of the wrong type, fewer exceptions will be thrown.


      // Get the field title by typestring title = entry.Get  ("title");  


      public void Set (string fieldName, object value) 

    Type: string
    The name of the field to search for.

    The community value and type will be checked when the entry is saved.


      // Define a value for the header collectionEntry field. Defined ("Headline", "Star Trek - Into the Dark");// Determine the value of the item for the locationEntry field. Defined ("filmingLocation", new location (34.0943145, -118.3316929));// Determine the value of the anonymous field of the good componentEnter.Set ("Director",    New            Role = "director",        Person = new link ("80c8e272-076e-41e0-84f4-753fc092a120")    );  

    Sets the file dates for the asset instance type, specifying the path to the closest file. Emptiness


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  •   public SetFile (string localFilePath, guitar string filename = null) 

    Type: String
    The absolute path to my file.

    Type: String
    An optional parameter that allows you to specify the asset file name and override the state file name.

    Throws an If filenotfound exception, the unique local file does not exist.


      // Define a new file for the asset because the file name has been overwrittenentry.SetFile ("c:  images  movies  batman.jpg", "Batman-returns.jpg");  

    Defines report data for the asset instance and also specifies Stream.Void


    error setting string value when starting startrak address manager

      public SetFile (Stream fileStream, string filename = null) 

    Type: Stream
    A stream containing the bytes of these files.

    Type: String
    The item file name includes the file extension.

    Throws an ArgumentException when the file name is empty or empty, or, alternatively, does not contain a specific file extension. Get


      // file stream for image data from urlvar continue = new HttpClient ()    .GetStreamAsync ("");// Define a new file for resources with the replacement of the file nameentry.SetFile (stream, "Batman Returns.jpg");  

    Specifies the specific file data for a PC program, specifying an instance of a byte array.


      unnecessary public bytes, setfile (byte [] string filename means null) 

    Type: String
    The file name of the item, including our file extension.

    Throws an ArgumentException if any part of the file name is empty, empty, or does not actually contain a file extension. Get


      // some file streams, downloading their image from the urlvar flow matches new HttpClient ()    .GetStreamAsync ("");// Defining a new file for the skill with the replacement of the file nameentry.SetFile (stream, "Batman Returns.jpg");  

    Determines if the field exists and if the value is not empty.


      public bool HasValue (string fieldName) 

    Type: string
    The name of the companyin the check box

    Type: boolean
    true if the person’s field exists and is not equal to zero; otherwise false

    If the field name is not defined in the content type on which the entry is based, it simply returns false.


      if (entry.HasValue ("title"))    // Get the location of the sector as a type    Location name = entry.Get  ("filmingLocation"); 


    In the case of professional storage, the record instance meets the new service version requirements. An exception could well be thrown if there is a registration problem, which could be either a data validation problem, an unexpected help issue, or a local exception.


      // We make this change to the record.Entry.Set ("Name", Gump ");Try "forrest // save changes.    Enter.Save ();catch (RestRequestException restEx)   // Manage organizational errors.catch (ValidationException valEx)   // Manage data validation errors.capture (exception)    // Handle everything else, for example. Network error. 


      public asynchronous SaveAsync task() 

    For example, if the save is successful, the record is updated with new production data verified by the service. If there is a support issue, an exception is thrown, which could be a major information validation issue, an unexpected service issue, or a major exception.


      // modify this entryEntry.Set ("Name", Gump ");Try "forrest // Save changes asynchronously.    Enter.SaveAsnyc ();catch (RestRequestException restEx)    // handle the error service.catch (ValidationException valEx)   // Handle data consent errors.capture (exception)    // Handle everything else, like network errors. 


    If the deletion was successful, the “Research” record is reset to zero.


         // Option for simple access to delete.    Delete record ();catch (RestRequestException restEx)    // Manage operational errors.catch (ValidationException valEx)   // Manage data validation errors.capture (exception)    // Handle everything else, for example. Network error. 


      public asynchronous task DeleteAsync () 

    For every successful deletion, the input is often flushed to zero.


         // Option for deleting a record.    wait for the input DeleteAsync ();catch (RestRequestException restEx)    // Handle solution errors.catch (ValidationException valEx)   // Manage data validation errors.capture (exception)    // Handle everything digital, eg. Network error. 

    Creates a new variation of all for entering a specific language.


      public record NewVariation (string language) 

    Type: Enter
    Newly created (unregistered) language variant of the post

    If the deletion is successful, the input is set to help zero.


      // Create a new French versionvar is equal to FrenchVariation entry.Set newvariation ("fr-fr");// some variation dataFrenchVariation.Set ("Title", "Belle de Jour");// Re-save the variantFrenchVariation.Save ();  

    Clones a record with all its variants and returns all records matching the language variant of the type from which it was cloned.


    Type: Enter
    Recently cloned downloadand with a language that matches the cloned setting entry

      // Clones a great existing entry.var clonedEntry is the same as existingEntry.Clone ();  

    Asynchronously clones an input with all its variants and returns the variant mouth corresponding to the input variant from which it was cloned.


      public asynchronous task  CloneAsync () 

    Type: Enter
    Recently duplicated entry in the language corresponding to the variant of the cloned human entry

      // Asynchronously clones an existing write variation.var clonedEntry is equal to wait missingEntry.CloneAsync ();  



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