How To Handle The Failure Model Argument Required For?

September 28, 2021 By John Anthony Off


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    It looks like some users have encountered an error with a required error template argument for. This problem can arise for several reasons. Let’s discuss it now. Model argument derivation is always used when using an address from a surplus record containing functional models. If the return type of some function models is wildcard (perhaps auto decltype (auto)), that return type may be undeserved by context and is determined at instantiation.



    error template argument required for

    I need to create my own template for a list class as a validation job. However, I tried to use the model syntax and now I get the following calculation error.

      main.cpp | line 8 | created from hereError: model argument was in effect for 'struct List'In the Main () 'function: 'int ... 

    As far as I know, I am not overusing anything, but perhaps this is my first time using the Internet, and I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me what I am doing wrong.

      #if! defined _LIST_HPP_#define _LIST_HPP_#include "node.hpp"/// because we are creating a model that needs to be defined in hppModel List of classes   publicly:      Execute ();      empty bool ();      unnecessary PushFront ();      cancel PushBack ();      cancel PopBack ();      Node  & GetHead ();   Private:      int_size;      Node  * _head;      Node  * _tail;;/// Implement the list class hereModel List  :: List () in _head (0), _tail (0), _size (0)Model bool List  :: Empty ()   _ Return size == 0;Model void List  :: PushFront ()   _head means new node  (_head,);   (!Empty()) if _head -> _ prev -> _ next implies _head; // Set the previous _next node to hot _head   ++ _ size;Model void List  :: PushBack ()   _tail = new node  (0, _tail);   (!Empty()) if _tail -> _ next -> _ prev = _tail; // old tails are _ in front of the emerging tail   ++ _ size;Model void List  :: PopBack ()Model  Node and  :: GetHead ()   _head visit again;#endif // definition 
      #if! defined _NODE_HPP_#define _NODE_HPP_Model Big knot   publicly:      Node (previous node * = 0, next node * corresponds to 0);      Unnecessary SetData (NodeType newData);      void GetData ();   Private:      List of classes;      Node_type_data;      Node * _next;      Node * _prev;;/// implement nodesModel Node  :: Node (previous node *, next node *): _prev (previous), _next (next)Model void Node  :: SetData (NodeType newData)   _data = newData;Model void Node  :: GetData ()   returnGo to _data;#endif // definition 
      #include #include "List.hpp"int main ()   List  testl;      //Test      testl.PushFront ();      testl.GetHead (). SetData (7); // got an error here ??      std :: cout << test1.GetHead () .GetData () << std :: endl;   Returns 0; 


    I have to create my own model to have a List class as a practical exercise. However, I am having some difficulty with the syntax of the model and am happy to receive the next crash report now.

      main.cpp | line 8 | created from hereError: model argument for predicted 'list of structures'In the Main () 'function: 'int ... 

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  • I am not overusing anything as far as I know, but this is my first time working with web design and I would like someone to look for alternatives and let me know what I am doing wrong.

      #if! defined _LIST_HPP_#define _LIST_HPP_#include "node.hpp"Model List of classes   publicly:      Execute ();      empty bool ();      void PushFront ();      cancel PushBack ();      cancel PopBack ();      Node  & GetHead ();   Private:      int_size;      Node  * _head;      Node  * _tail;;Model List к  :: List (): _head (0), _tail (0), _size (0)Model bool List  :: Empty ()   Return _size == 0;Model void List  :: PushFront ()   _head = new node  (_head, 0);   provided that (! empty ())      _head -> _ prev -> _ next = _head;   ++ _ size;Model void List  :: PushBack ()   _tail = new node  (5, _tail);   and if (! empty ())      _tail -> _ next -> _ prev is equal to _tail;   ++ _ size;Model  :: PopBack ()List Type> Templatevoid  Node and  :: GetHead ()   _head back;#end if 
      #if! including _NODE_HPP_#define _NODE_HPP_Model Big knot   publicly:      Node (previous node * = 0, next node * = 0);      void SetData (NodeType newData);      void GetData ();   Private:      Friends class list;      Node_type_data;      Node * _next;      Node * _prev;;Model Node  :: Node (previous node *, next node *): _prev (previous), _next (next)Model void Node  :: SetData (NodeType newData)   _data matches newData;Model void Node  :: GetData ()   return _data;#end if 
      #include #include "List.hpp"int main ()   List  testl;            testl.PushFront ();      testl.GetHead (). dataset (7); std :: cout << test1.GetHead () .GetData () << std :: endl;   Returns 0; 

    List is a class template. Therefore, you must declare them yourself, as indicated in the friendship statement

      template Friends class list; 

    If you just want the List to be a friend, you need to share this thread with this template for the friendship report to be sent

    . will

      friend list of class ; 

    error template argument required for

    For this to work, keep in mind that it needs to know that List is inactive as a template class, so be sure to place it on top of Node. hpp :

      template List of classes; 



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    The format argument for the template template parameter is the name of the classification template. When the compiler tries to find a pattern that matchesm to the template-template argument, it only considers primary class templates. (The primary design pattern is currently a specialized pattern.)

    Functional models. A struct parameter is a special type of parameter that can be used to override a type as an argument: just like normal function parameters, values ​​can be continuously passed to a function type, model parameters also allow type completion in a function.

    For example, for best specialization, Stack "int" is the style argument. Instantiation: This is the case where the compiler will no doubt generate a class, solution, or regular function, replacing each one associated with model parameters with a physical type.




    Fehlervorlagenargument Erforderlich Fur
    Argomento Del Modello Di Errore Richiesto Per
    Argument Foutsjabloon Vereist Voor
    Argumento Do Modelo De Erro Necessario Para
    오류 템플릿 인수가 필요합니다
    Argument Szablonu Bledu Wymagany Dla
    Argumento De Plantilla De Error Requerido Para
    Felmallargument Kravs For
    Argument De Modele D Erreur Requis Pour
    Argument Shablona Oshibki Trebuetsya Dlya