How To Fix FTP Put Error 12003

October 17, 2021 By Gary Lamb Off


Sometimes your system may display an error indicating FTP Hosting Error 12003. This issue can occur for a number of reasons.

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    g.This error can occur when the FTP server sends an unexpected status code to the WinInet customer. Note that this may not indicate an error, but rather a success message or recommendation from the server (for example,



    g.To my knowledge, for this issue, connecting to a third party FTP server using the WinInet FTP API may fail with 12003.

    The above behavior can be changed without using the internet_flag_passive flagin API InternetConnect or InternetOpenUrl. If this flag is not used, WinInet will probably use active semantics for the FTP connection, avoiding the use of a status code. leads to the problem of analysis.

    As you can see, Microsoft has provided a document with a description. Hope you find this helpful.

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    ftp put error 12003

    This is for FTP file upload using C ++. I tried to download a real ftp file and did a web search for error 12003 but found nothing practical … seems annoying.

    ftp put error 12003

      #include #include #include #include # comment pragma (lib, "wininet.lib")int main ()    HINTERNET hInternet;    HINTERNETHFtpSession;    hInternet = InternetOpen (NULL, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, NULL, NULL, 0);    if (! hInternet)            printf ("Error:% d  n", GetLastError ());       HFtpSession = InternetConnect (hInternet, "", INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT, "myohyip8", "WxqHjNGv", INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP, 4, 0);    if (! hFtpSession)            printf ("Error:% d  n", GetLastError ());        if (! FtpPutFile (hFtpSession, "C:  ivan.txt", "myivan.txt", FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_BINARY, 0))                                    printf ("Error:% d  n", GetLastError ());                        another            printf ("File uploaded successfully :)  n");                    InternetCloseHandle (hFtpSession);       InternetClosureHandle (hInternet);        system ("PAUSE");    go home 0; 

    This bothered me, you don’t know where you are from, it seems to me to be an error while booting the system.

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  • I am writing to an FTP member with MFC. The particular server my client is talking to is usually a bulletproof FTP server. I add to the server by creating its CInternetSession and object and then calling its GetFtpConnection member function. Coincidentally, the properties SetCurrentDirectory, OpenFile, etc. will definitely fail and return the 12003 error directive. I read this error as part of MSDN and figured out what 12003 error might occur if the device is not a Microsoft server, suggesting that it return messages about the state of one of our MFC functions that don’t consider how to deal with them. Proposed solutionsuggested by accident: set the INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE flag to FALSE and the server will not receive any status messages. My directives now look like this:

    CInternetSession * m_pInternetSession is NULL;

    m_pInternetSession = new 1, cinternetsession (m_csappna me, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, 0, 0,
    ? // m_pInternetSession-> SetO ption (INTE RNET_OPTIO N_CONNECT_ TIMEOUT, 500);
    // m_pInternetSession-> SetO ption (INTE RNET_OPTIO N_CONNECT_ RETRIES, 3);

    m_pFtpConnection means m_pInternetSession-> GetFtp Connection (name is m_pcsServ , m_pcsUsername,

    catch (CInternetException * pEx)

    Before reading INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE, the code was indistinguishable except for the 5th argument in GetFtpConnection. I added FALSE. Before that, I did not even give the 5th argument.
    Even so, the server usually sends client messages that I would generate, i.e. error 12003, nothing changed when I set this flag.



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