Helps To Fix XML Parsing Error, Missing Required Space Error

August 21, 2021 By Mohammed Butcher Off


Here are some simple steps that should help you solve the problem of missing spaces when parsing XML.

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  • 1. Download and install Fortect
  • 2. Open the program and click "Scan"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
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    I’ve been looking for this for ages and can’t figure out anyone’s problem. Can anyone help us? I amI am getting the exact errors listed above when executing SQLXMLBULKLOAD in VB.NET 2010. I tried to constantly change my XML declaration, schema attribute, and I may not be able to get around this error. It seems to be trite, but I cannot understand. Please help

    Recommended: Fortect

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  • 1. Download and install Fortect
  • 2. Open the program and click "Scan"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process

  •                                                                                                                                                     ->                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

    xml parsing error required white space missing



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