Tag: load average

Tips To Troubleshoot Ruby Monitor CPU Usage Issue

January 12, 2022 By Lawrence Scanlon Off

If you are using Ruby Monitor CPU on your PC, this guide can help you fix it. requires ‘usagewatch_ext’etc = Track Usageetc. uw_diskusedetc uw_diskused_percetc. uw_cpuusedetc. uw_tcpusedand so on. uw_udpusedetc.etc uw_loadetc. uw_bandrxetc. uw_bandtxetc. uw_diskioreadsetc.uw_diskio writesand so on uw_cputopetc uw_memtopetc.uw_apacheconns execute:linux_example.rbOutput example:Uses 11.56 gigabyte hard drive7.0% disk…

How To Enable Linux View Processor Usage

November 10, 2021 By Brian Moses Off

  You may encounter an error indicating Linux CPU usage. As it turns out, there are several steps you can take to fix this problem, which we’ll discuss shortly. g.CPU usage can give an idea of ​​how the CPU is being used on your computer…