Your Problem Could Not Be Resolved, The Magento Community Host Could Not Be Found

November 12, 2021 By John Anthony Off


You should read these troubleshooting tips if you are unable to resolve the “Host Magento Community Host Not Found” error on your computer.

Recommended: Fortect

  • 1. Download and install Fortect
  • 2. Open the program and click "Scan"
  • 3. Click "Repair" to start the repair process
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    • Solution

    Magento Connect cannot get plugin [RESOLVED]While installing plugins directly from Magento I came across

    Host: Magento community is unlikely to be disbanded

    If you request your Magento connection url in the following format without httpâ € œ Magento community / captcha contact form â € œ

    2) Add the URL prefix of the plugin with the name suggested below:

    Please leave the Magento community outside the community

    3) Paste the URL in each of the “Insert extension key for attachment” fields and you can download the plugin.

    4) Go to Extensions-> Install New Extensions-> use this key: – http: //connect20.magentocommerce.Install-> click com / community / netz98_modulecreator-> click install location

    5) Once created, navigate to your favorite folder manager.We follow the path: app / code / core / mage / captcha / model / Observer.php

      public function checkUserLoginBackend ($ Observer)$ formId  =   'backend_login';$ CaptchaModel  =   Mage :: helper ('captcha') -> getCaptcha ($ formId);$ LoginParams  =   Mage :: app() -> getRequest () -> getPost ('login');          $ login  =   array_key_exists ('username',   $ loginParams)  ?   $ loginParams ['username']  :   zero;Si ($ captchaModel-> isRequired ($ connection))  "$ captchaModel-> logAttempt ($ login);Mage :: throwException (Mage :: helper ('captcha') -> __ ('Invalid CAPTCHA.'));"           $ CaptchaModel-> logAttempt ($ login);Return $ this;      
      public function checkUserLoginBackend ($ Observer)                 $ formId  =   'backend_login';$ CaptchaModel  =   Mage :: helper ('captcha') -> getCaptcha ($ formId);$ Login  =   Mage :: app () -> getRequest () -> getPost ('username');Si ($ captchaModel-> isRequired ($ connection))"$ captchaModel-> logAttempt ($ login);Mage :: throwException (Mage :: helper ('captcha') -> __ ('Invalid CAPTCHA.'));В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В           $ CaptchaModel-> logAttempt ($ login);Return $ this;      

    Go to your current terminal-> Go to your Magento project folder-> Enter chmod 777 -R / var / www / your-project-folder /

    could not resolve host magento-community host not found

    7) open your site in a browser and add / moduleCreator right after

    Sometimes when you try to load WordPress plugins from Magento via Connect Manager, it can constantly lead to the above error: “Host cannot be fixed: Magento community error”.

    Recommended: Fortect

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  • 1. Download and install Fortect
  • 2. Open the program and click "Scan"
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  • The above error is actually the reason Magento Connect Manager v1.0 switches to v2.0 immediately. This resulted in important changes to the installation prefix due to updates.

    Now when you get the above error, just remove and replace the above extension key url from the url. And you will find that your Magento plugin is about to be installed.

    could not resolve host magento-community host not found

    All cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website and that are used specifically to allow us to analyze the personal data of users through advertisements, other embedded content are called unnecessary cookies. It is imperative that the user obtain consent before these cookies are placed on your website.

    It’s really nice to put this in a PHP script. What’s more funny is that your host doesn’t give you SSH access, but it allows you to run shell_exec. Some hosts …:

    Anyway, your web host probably has a firewall for us. Some web hosts block outbound contacts from PHP scripts, some evenprevent you from trying outbound connection from PHP to be a real script. This host type usually does not work in addition to Magento.

    I would contact your host, but I would also ask them if they have an outbound firewall type or if they block some PHP functionality like file_get_contents from connecting to remote servers.

    PEAR’s downloadHttp function, which may also return because an error is returned, uses the fsockopen function, which is known to use sockets. Perhaps your only host has disabled socket support, or you are using an unknown server configuration where PHP cannot try sockets.

    If your web host says it is not blocking anything, the next step is to write a complete PHP that tries to constantly open a connection to fsockopen and test it. Like this:

    If this fails, your company knows that the problem is not with Magento, Magento, or Connect, but with your web host.

    We originally installed Magento 2 in your local environment using Composer create-project as shown below:

     composer create-project --repository-url = https: //

    After some environment related errors like php_soap.dll, php_xsl.dll and php_intl.dll extensions in php.ini file. We ended up at the peak of bug tracking with a musician update stating that said host could not be resolved on “github”. com ‘

     [run exception] If that fails, it helps with cloning  straight from https, ssh completion logs,.  * scoundrel   Clone to '..  xampp  htdocs  magento2  vendor  interop-container  interop-container' ...   Fatal: Access to is not available on the market:   Host "" could not be resolved  - [email protected]: container-interop / container-interop. scoundrel   Instant cloning to '..  xampp  htdocs  magento2  vendor  interop-container interop-container '...    ssh: hostname cannot be resolved known name and service non-fatal: not possible to read from the repository.    Make sure you have the correct access rights    and an existing human repository.

    We were able to fix most of the problems by running more than two of the following commands:

     git config --global --unset http.proxygit config --unset --global https.proxy

    Hope this article helped you with some concepts. Please leave your comment and tell us what you think? Thanks.



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    Nie Mozna Rozpoznac Hosta Magento Spolecznosc Hosta Nie Znaleziono
    Nao Foi Possivel Resolver O Host Da Comunidade Magento Host Nao Encontrado
    호스트 Magento Community 호스트를 찾을 수 없습니다
    Kon Host Niet Oplossen Magento Community Host Niet Gevonden
    Kunde Inte Losa Vard Magento Community Vard Hittades Inte
    Ne Udalos Razreshit Host Magento Community Host Not Found
    Host Konnte Nicht Aufgelost Werden Magento Community Host Nicht Gefunden
    Impossibile Risolvere L Host Magento Community Host Non Trovato
    N A Pas Pu Resoudre L Hote Magento Community Host Introuvable
    No Se Pudo Resolver El Host Magento Community Host Not Found