Best Way To Fix Error 1 Hy000 Error Code 13

November 3, 2021 By Sean Fry Off


In this blog post, we are going to describe some possible causes that can lead to error 1 hy000 error code 13, and then I will provide you with several ways to try and resolve this issue.

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    solution based; Ubuntu 20.10 with Apparmor and MySql 8 active

    Solution Brief and Lessons Learned:Unless you have a compelling reason not to even do it

    1. Leave the personal settings of the protected file as default
    2. Grant users FILE permissions in mysql
    3. And tell apparmor that the directory created by the new MySQL installer can be written in standard format.

    The default TV configuration secure-files-priv is set to / var / lib / mysql-files . However, I was able to transfer files by placing them in a directory with expert status for a long time, giving the user permission to access the files such as very, GRANT FILE ON *. * TO myuser @ host;

    However, when I tried to write about it, I got the hated error code : 1. Unable to create / write - '/ var / lib / mysql-files / select_out file .csv' (OS error 10 - Denied) authorization. I could solve this problem very easily by executing /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld and changing

      # Allow access to data information  / var / lib / mysql files / r,  / var / lib / mysql-files / ** rwk, 
      # binder count The data center allows you to access  / var / lib / mysql-files / rw,  / var / lib / mysql-files / ** rwk, 

    But at the time, I was not aware of the general appearance, so I rummaged around for other things until I found a post from @ spcurtis81. If this happened to your business, read on to see if you can find something from my past.

    Unfortunately, in some places – and god knows why – I chose to continue the secure-file-priv directory after / mysql-files. This gave me a lot more practice. At least it can teach me a lot and give me the opportunity to share.

    I had to change the ‘secure-files-priv’ setting to less than the [mysqld] section in one of the .cnf files, however in general, Here so many. .I AM. Find it.

      CD ./find .. -name "* .cnf" -printf '% p  n' -exec grep " [mysqld ]" ; 

    so you should use the file above the specific [mysqld] . I found several links to modify my.cnf , but since the section already exists in this tool, I used mysqld with.cnf. I also thoughtlt’s that mysqld.cnf for the daemon server seems to be ignored by the user agent. It worked, so don’t be silly, maybe someone more knowledgeable can explain the .cnf file hierarchy.

    For many of these settings, there was no secure-files-priv entry, so I found them particularly appropriate for a reasonable situation and added your current tracking.


      # Added 12/13/2020 to move the secure-file-priv directorysecure-file-priv means / mysql-files 

    No joy. I found another hint that said you need to go back to point to a temp directory and as a result I commented out that line from your current file.

    error 1 hy000 errcode 13

      # If MySQL is running as a replication slave, this should be# changed. Link = / tmp 

    error 1 hy000 errcode 13

    Still no joy. Then I found a post from @ spcurtis81 and found the location of Apparmor accordingly. So in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld I changed

      # Allow access to data files  / var / lib / mysql files / r,  / var / lib / mysql-files / ** rwk, 
      # Allow access to data files  / mysql-files / rw,  / mysql files / ** rwk, 

    Who’s last step fixed the problem: chmod -R 700 / mysql-files

    When creating the directory, I set the mysql owner and gave it 644 reads and writes. This seemed reasonable, but also my MySQL database error log had an error: “Insecure configuration for –secure-file-priv: location is available to all operating system users. Consider choosing a different directory. ‘

    I don’t like the security warnings, so I changed the permission to 600, which means mysql needs the executable data directory in terms of permissions. I was wrong. So, let’s begin.

    In the first blog post from an organization dedicated to RDX, I describe a common read / write error that DBAs receive (error code: 10 – Access Denied) and how to describe it in more detail.

     > foo_table;  

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  •   ERROR desc 1 (HY000): file '' could not be created / written (error code: twelve - authorization denied)  

    What definitely happened with / tmp folder permissions? Doesn’t let you write. Our staff must first resolve this issue and then figure out what changed the permissions in the directory.

      chmod 1777 Look / tmpï »¿ 

    The whole project of the bug first, and it is not necessary to focus on the first bug that is found. For example, if you have an error code:

      is actually focusing on ERROR 1don't focus too much on HY000  

    You are wasting your time because the error code gives buyers all the information they need. If you’ve brought a simple bug report with you, you may have resources to help you troubleshoot mass popularity bugs:

    • internals / from /

    I would also like to point out that you can check the bug document to confirm any error messages. The fact that someone sends you this error does not always mean the whole story. Always check family diaries.

    If you encounter another error that does not contain a detailed description, you have a chance to find out more See more about this error.

    “A description of the last error that occurred when calling the system, or perhaps even a library function.” –

    In the context of the above error, it is also possible to change the location of your tmpdir, if declared by experts. This was not in this issue, but if you need to change or override a certain default setting, you can find your tmpdir posted like this:

     > select @@ tmpdir;+ ------------ +| @@ tmpdir |+ ------------ +| / tmp |+ ------------ +  

    Then you can edit this my.And cnf put tmpdir = / tmp where you want.

    Thank you for your attention! Perfect for my next post, MySQL Optimization Tip-thread_cache_size, next week.



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    Fel 1 Hy000 Felkod 13
    Erreur 1 Hy000 Code Erreur 13
    Blad 1 Hy000 Errcode 13
    Oshibka 1 Hy000 Kod Oshibki 13
    오류 1 Hy000 오류 코드 13
    Errore 1 Hy000 Codice Errore 13
    Erro 1 Hy000 Errcode 13
    Fout 1 Hy000 Foutcode 13
    Fehler 1 Hy000 Fehlercode 13
    Error 1 Hy000 Errcode 13