Need To Get Rid Of Problems With Original Mssqlserver Event ID 17896?

August 22, 2021 By Justin Fernando Off


In some cases, your system may display a message with event ID 17896 source mssqlserver. There can be many reasons for this problem.

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    event id 17896 source mssqlserver

    After using KB948109, the observation error seems to have occurred more often:

    =============================================== = = =============== ==
    EVENT # Â Â Â. … 216750
    EVENT LOG: Applying the TYPE OF EVENT: Information from SOURCE:

    TIME: 07/17/2008 08:26:51 AM
    MESSAGE: The timestamp counter assigned to the CPU in scheduler ID 5 cannot be synchronized with other CPUs.
    BINARY DATA: 0000: E8 45 double zero 00Â 0A 00 00 00Â 0D 50 00 00Â 44 00 forty three 00
    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂÂ Â Â Â 0010: 32 00 53 00Â fifty-one 00 4C 00Â 30 00 28 00Â 5C 00 54 00
    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Â 0020: forty-nine 00 32 00 00 double zero 00 00 00 ========= = ==== ==== ======================= ==== =============== =====

    In 00, I would say this error occurred 146 times in the last 24 hours.

    Unfortunately, I didn’t get an error that often before occupying a location. The error occurred 34 times from July 1st to July 15th.

    I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 – 9.00.3068.00 (Intel X86) Â on Windows 2003 Enterprise r2 Edition.

    The component is a Dell PowerEdge 2950 II with two Intel® Xeon ™ E5345 2.33GHz processors and 8GB of RAM.

    Any help is definitely appreciated. This is b It’s more inconvenient, so I have not yet answered any support questions from Case-Microsoft nearby.

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    Comments for tag ID 17896 are currently in the control queue.

    Note. We have not yet verified the information for this method, so it is still not filtered as it was simply submitted by our contributors.

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  • Event ID: 17896 – Event Source: MSSQL ‘$ HPWJA – Event Type: Information – Event Description: The processor timestamp counter in the scheduler ID 1 is not actually synchronized with other processors.

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    Celebration ID Comments There are currently 17896 pieces in the queue for the PC.

    Note. We haven’t checked this skill information yet, so it’s definitely not filtered sent in the same way as it was sent by our participants.

    Event ID: 17896 – Event MSSQL ‘$ HPWJA Source:
    Event type: Information
    Event description: The processor timestamp counter on the scheduler with ID 1 is not synchronized with other processors at all.

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    The CPU timestamp counter in scheduler ID 2 was not synchronized with other CPUs.

    Check out the links below – below; / 2006/11/27 / sql-server-2005-sp2-will-introduce-new-messages-to-the-error-log-related – to -timing-activity.aspx

    http: //;en-us;931279

    CPU number Instructions to successfully enable CPU binding
    02 CPU exec sp_configure ‘affinity mask’, 0x00000003
    04 CPU exec sp_configure ‘affinity mask’, 0x0000000F
    08 CPU exec sp_configure ‘affinity mask’, 0x000000FF
    16 processors exec sp_configure ‘affinity 0x0000FFFF
    32 mask ‘, CPU exec sp_configure’ affinity mask ‘, 0xFFFFFFFF
    CPU number Instructions to enable processor binding
    02 CPU exec sp_configure ‘affinity mask’, 0x00000003
    04 CPU exec sp_configure ‘affinity mask’, 0x0000000F
    08 CPU exec sp_configure ‘affinity mask’, 0x000000FF
    16 processors exec sp_configure ‘affinity 0x0000FFFF
    32 mask ‘, CPU exec sp_configure’ affinity mask ‘, 0xFFFFFFFF

    The processor after scheduler ID 1 is not synchronized with other processors.

    The server displays the same message every hour. Do you have any ideas?

    ———————————————– – ———– ———————–
    Event type: Information
    Source “event: MSSQL $ MICROSOFT ## SSEE
    Event Category: (2)
    Event ID: 17896
    Date: 20.11.2007
    Time: 05:47:19
    User: N / A
    Computer: HQ
    The CPU clock counter available in the scheduler with ID 1 is not synchronized with other CPUs.
    0000: 45 e8 00 50 0a 00 00 00 to E .. ….
    0008: 13 00 00 00 forty-eight 51 00 00 …. HQ
    0010: 5c 00 4d 49 00 double zero 43 00 . MIC
    0018: 42 Tommers skrrrm 00 00 4f 53 00 double zero 4f ROSO
    0020: 46 50 00 54 23 00 23 50 FT #. #.
    0028: 53 00 fifty three 00 00 45 00 forty five SSEE00
    0030: 00 00 double zero 00 00 .. ….

    Help here?

    SQL Server clock values ​​may be incorrect if someone is using utilities or technology Hogies that change the processor frequency; ru-ru; 931279


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    Ereignis Id 17896 Quell Mssqlserver
    Id Evento 17896 Sorgente Mssqlserver
    Gebeurtenis Id 17896 Bron Mssqlserver
    Id D Evenement 17896 Source Mssqlserver
    이벤트 Id 17896 원본 Mssqlserver
    Id De Evento 17896 Source Mssqlserver
    Handelse Id 17896 Kalla Mssqlserver
    Identifikator Sobytiya 17896 Istochnik Mssqlserver
    Id De Evento 17896 Fuente Mssqlserver
    Identyfikator Zdarzenia 17896 Zrodlo Mssqlserver