Tag: bittorrent

An Easy Way To Fix Torrentflux Errors

March 2, 2022 By Brian Moses Off

You may encounter an error indicating a torrentflux error. Coincidentally, there are a number of steps you can take to fix this issue. We will return to this shortly. Hello! I recently encountered an igfxTray.exe error so I can’t use the Intel Graphics Configuration Analyzer…

Frostwire Boot Error Troubleshooting

December 27, 2021 By Gary Lamb Off

If you’re having an error starting Frostwire, the guide below should help. Update : A new FrostWire 4.13.4 installer for Windows is now available, to fix this issue, you can just get it back on track and the download is complete. If you are asking…

Tips To Fix Minimizing Target In System Tray

August 16, 2021 By Gary Lamb Off

  If you see the “Minimize target in system tray” error code on your computer, check out these troubleshooting ideas. To minimize the application in the community status bar, simply click the minimize option in the application window. This, of course, sometimes collapses in the…