Solving The Problem Of Debugging Output From A C # Console Application

August 22, 2021 By Lawrence Scanlon Off


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    Here are some simple steps to help you troubleshoot the debug output of a C # console application.



    This has a third party framework called Serilog, but I still found it to be a very smooth experience finally, reason enough to put the result somewhere I see.

    You must first install the Serilog trace receiver. After the equipment, you need to configure the type of recorder as follows:

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  •   Logger = LoggerConfiguration () innovative new .MinimumLevel.Verbose ()    .WriteTo.Trace ()    .CreateLogger (); 

    (You can set a different minimum as well as a different config value or one of the normal Serilog functions. You can also set the Trace logger to a different level to override the config. or nevertheless, you need do it.)

    Then the public newspaper will report ok and he or she will display in your output window:

      Logger.Information ("Didn't do anything!"); 

    Etseems like a big deal, so let me get some more perks. The most important thing for me was that perhaps I could enter both the output window and the console at the same time:

      Logger = new types LoggerConfiguration ()    .MinimumLevel.Verbose ()    .WriteTo.Trace ()    .WriteTo.Console (standardErrorFromLevel: LogEventLevel.Error)    .CreateLogger (); 

    This gave me a lot of flexibility in using the output without using Debug.Write in Console.Write , all my posts had to be duplicated. By creating the content of the code, I was able to run my command line tool in Visual Studio without worrying about losing results on exit. When I was building it and needed it for debugging (and Visual Studio was not available), the console output was instantly available for my consumption. The same emails can also be saved, allowing a file (or other wide data set) to be retrieved when done mainly due to a scheduled task.

    The bottom line has always been that Serilog made it very easy to send messages to all sorts of places so that I could always get the result easily, no matter how I did it.



    Writes debug information directly to trace listeners in all Listeners collections.

    Character String)

      public: write (string, static void Write (System :: String ^ Message, System :: String ^ Category);  
      [System.Diagnostics.Conditional ("DEBUG")]public static void (String Talk Message, String Category);  
      [System.Diagnostics.Conditional ("DEBUG")]unnecessary static public (String? Write message, String? Category);  
      []static member record: string * string -> unit  
      Public Shared Sub (write post as string, category as string)  




    The example creates a TraceSwitch named generalSwitch . This set of switches is outside the scope of the sample code.

    If the radio button is frequently set to TraceLevel Error or higher, the output is, for example, the first error messagebke for the listener . For more information on adding a listener to all Listeners collections, see the TraceListenerCollection new class. If

    Then TraceLevel is set, if you want Verbose , this example generates a second error message with the same label as the first message. A line terminator follows the second message.

    // class-level declaration. // Create TraceSwitch. TraceSwitch ^ static generalSwitch = gcnew TraceSwitch ("General", "All Applications");publicly: old fashioned void MyErrorMethod (Object ^ myObject, String ^ zone) // Usually write a message when the TraceSwitch level is set to Error or higher. provided (generalSwitch-> TraceError) #if defined (DEBUG) Debug :: Write (myObject, group); #end if // Write a short message if the TraceSwitch level is also set to Verbose. if (generalSwitch-> TraceVerbose) #if defined (DEBUG) Debug :: Write (the object is "deprecated for this category."); #end if // class-level declaration. // Create TraceSwitch. static TraceSwitch generalSwitch = new TraceSwitch ("General", "All Applications"); static public void MyErrorMethod (Object myObject, category) Guitar string // Write a messageSet if the TraceSwitch level is set to Error, with a higher level. if (generalSwitch.TraceError) Debug.Write (myObject, Category); // Write a second message if you want the TraceSwitch layer to be set to Verbose. if (generalSwitch.traceverbose) Debug.Object Writeline ("may not fit this category."); 'Class-level declaration.'Create TraceSwitch.Sharedprivate generalSwitch as new TraceSwitch ("General", "All application")Public Shared Routine MyErrorMethod (myObject As Object, nfl As String) i Write a message if the TraceSwitch level is also set higher to Error. If generalSwitch.TraceError Then Debug .Write (myObject, Category) End if 'Write a 2D message if the TraceSwitch level is set to Verbose. If generalSwitch.TraceVerbose Then Debug.Object Writeline ("probably not in this category.") End ifThe end of the submarine


    By default, the DefaultTraceListener instance is displayed.

    See Also

    Writes a domain name and message to listeners to search for in the Listeners collection.


    Write (object, String)

      public: static void Write (System :: Object ^ value, System :: String ^ category);  
      [System.Diagnostics.Conditional ("DEBUG")]public sound Write void (object value, zone category);  
      [System.Diagnostics.Conditional ("DEBUG")]public static void Write (Object? String? Value, Category);  
      []static member: post obj * string -> unit  
      Public general sub-record (value as object, category as string)  




    The following example uses a TraceSwitch named generalSwitch <
    c# console app debug output



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    C Debug Ausgabe Der Konsolen App
    Output Di Debug Dell App Console C
    Sortie De Debogage De L Application Console C
    C 콘솔 앱 디버그 출력
    Saida De Depuracao Do Aplicativo Do Console C
    C Konsolapps Felsokningsutmatning
    S Vyvod Otladki Konsolnogo Prilozheniya
    Salida De Depuracion De La Aplicacion De Consola C
    C Dane Wyjsciowe Debugowania Aplikacji Konsoli
    C Debug Uitvoer Van Console App